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Shingle Repair: How to Identify and Fix Damaged Shingles

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Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. That’s why keeping your shingles in good condition is so important. Damaged shingles can lead to leaks, interior water damage, and even structural problems.

That said, how do you know if and when your shingles need to be repaired? And when is it necessary to call a professional for shingle repair in Calgary?

Spotting the Signs of Shingle Damage

The first step to shingle repair is knowing what to look for. Here are some common signs of shingle damage:

  • Missing Shingles: This is an obvious sign of damage and should be addressed immediately.
  • Cracked or Curled Shingles: These shingles are no longer providing adequate protection and should be replaced. If a wind storm comes you’re likely to lose shingles, and those shingles could damage property or persons around your home.
  • Granule Loss: Shingles lose granules over time, but excessive granule loss can indicate that your shingles are nearing the end of their lifespan.
  • Blistering or Buckling Shingles: This can be caused by poor ventilation or moisture trapped beneath the shingles, you might want to get your attic checked regardless.
  • Moss or Algae Growth: While not always a sign of damage, moss and algae can trap moisture and accelerate shingle deterioration.

Why Timely Shingle Repairs Matter

Ignoring damaged shingles can lead to a long list of problems. A small leak can quickly turn into a major repair if left unaddressed. Water damage can compromise your home’s structural integrity, and mold growth can pose a health risk. Not to mention the leaks that go undetected for along time which tend to cause the most damage.

When to Call for Professional Shingle Repair in Calgary

While some minor shingle repairs can be done by homeowners, it’s always best to call a professional roofer for anything more than a simple fix. Professional roofers have the experience and expertise to identify and address any underlying issues that may be contributing to shingle damage. They also have the safety equipment and training to work on your roof without risking injury.

No Payne Roofing: Your Local Roofing Expert

At No Payne Roofing, we understand the importance of a healthy roof. We offer trusted shingle repair in Calgary and professional roof replacement services to keep your home protected. Our experienced roofers are committed to providing quality workmanship and exceptional customer service. Contact us today for a free inspection and estimate.