Surprise! Your roof needs to be redone! – Surprising reasons your home needs a new roof
Surprises can be fantastic–but not when it comes to your roof.
Your roof is the most essential piece of your home’s exterior. It does a lot for your home: it keeps it protected from pests and the elements, provides your home with curb appeal, and keeps your home nicely insulated. With so much to gain from having a properly installed roof, it is vital to ensure that your roof is kept in good repair.
Should you get your roof inspected? Well, if you are going to be selling your home, or if your roof is at least 15 to 20 years old, it is a good idea to have your roof inspected to determine whether there is any damage that needs to be repaired.
Except for water staining your ceiling or even dripping, it can be tricky to know if replacing your roof is necessary.
Here are just a few of the other reasons you may consider replacing your roof:
Storm Damage
One of the most common reasons for replacing a roof is that it has sustained storm damage from high winds or broken tree branches and debris. If you live in a cold climate (like we do in Calgary), ice and snow accumulation can do a number on your roof as well. Storms of all kinds can cause damage to roofs in a variety of ways, including blowing shingles or granules off of your roof.
Another, more significant way that storms may cause damage to your home’s roof is if tree branches are broken and fall onto your roof, damaging the underlying structures as well. Depending on the severity of the damage, it is often recommended to replace your entire roof rather than spot repairs to avoid further, more costly repairs down the road from compromised support structures. Make sure the job is done by a professional roofing outfit in your area.
Boosting Your Home’s Resale Value
Another reason that you may choose to replace your roof is to boost your home’s resale value. As a homeowner, when it comes time to sell your property, you want buyers to pay top dollar. An aging roof will knock off quite a lot of value. If you plan on selling your home within the next few years, replacing your home’s roof is one of the best ways to boost your home’s resale value, mainly if your roof is 15+ years old.
A new roof, especially in combination with new siding or windows, shows potential buyers that you’ve been keeping up with the maintenance and will go a long way in helping you net a higher asking price than you would have gotten with an older roof. Potential buyers will appreciate that they won’t need to worry about replacing the home’s roof for decades to come!
It’s Time To Replace It
Nothing lasts forever, and that is particularly true for shingles. Asphalt shingles have a shelf life, and it is relatively common for them to fail after a couple of decades. Take a good long look at your home’s roof. If it is evident to the untrained eye that your roof looks worn (raised or missing shingles, curled edges, discoloration, etc.), then your roof needs to be replaced.
There are a variety of factors that can lead to your investment deteriorating sooner than its lifespan warrants. This includes storm damage (see point above), ice dams, or the accumulation of mold, moss, and algae. Remember, if your shingles are visibly curling or even falling off of your roof, it is time to replace your roof!
Building An Addition or Remodeling
Many homeowners choose to expand their existing structure or remodel for various reasons. Maybe you want to spruce up a section of your house, or space needs to be updated to meet your needs. Either way, you’ll likely replace your home’s roof if you are in the midst of a remodel or home addition. Installing a new roof on just your addition can often look a bit strange, so if there are any signs of deterioration on the current roof, many homeowners elect to replace the entire roof for the sake of continuity. The old and new roofing may clash because of discoloration, and within a decade, the difference between the two roofs will be very evident. It’s best to replace the entire roof.
There are many reasons you might choose to replace your roof–whatever the reason, make sure a professional roofing contractor does it with the experience to evaluate your needs and plan the project well.
Looking to replace your roof? From roof replacements to roof repairs in Calgary, our team at No Payne Roofing offers reliable, fast, and courteous services along with unmatched quality craftsmanship. Give us a shout so we can discuss your roofing needs and make your project a reality.