
No Payne Blog

Should you get a second opinion on a roof inspection?

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When you want a second opinion on your dressy dinner attire, you ask your spouse. When you want a second opinion on your roof, you should ask a professional.

Complex jobs can have many routes when it comes to compliance and aesthetics. The more plentiful the angles, variables, pitch, structural considerations, and materials, the more opportunity for mix-ups.

Choosing the right roofer from an accredited list of local providers is the first step, but more can always be done as the job goes forward. Contacting others for a second opinion comes at the end of a long road and is often the best way to walk away from the job and back into your home with confidence.

As a roof replacement is a huge task that comes around only a couple of times in your lifetime, make sure the job is done right. Whether it’s your minor fix or a complete repair, contact a roofing company for a second opinion if something feels off to you.

When Buying

Understanding your investment upfront is one of the most time-consuming processes of buying a home. When you inspect the roof of your prospective house, take great care in looking at every piece of the roof function. Note worn shingles, stressed or underperforming eavestroughing, and seals. If the home inspector fails to mention anything you may have noticed, it might be time to bring in an expert who can give the roof their full attention and spot omissions to the sales report that even you may have noticed.

Likewise, if your home inspector suggests a second opinion, go with their suggestion. They are experts in the issues which face new home buyers, and often have your savings in mind. Work with them as closely as you can to avoid future headaches, and be sure to promptly address any issues they note.

After Repairs

While a loose shingle here and there is a quick fix needing only a couple of nails, a ladder, and a cold beer afterwards, more in-depth projects can interfere with your roof’s function in unintended ways. Installations like solar panels may stress your roof under their weight, or you could have lost insulation capabilities through the piping in of sky tubes.

Having a second opinion where multiple levels of the home were penetrated will give you the peace of mind that follows from a professionally executed job—not to mention the added benefit of proofing eyes which were not a part of the process and are more likely to see faults for what they are rather than an extension of the original task.

Hiring a local expert means experience in your weather region. Not every tool or material works for every job, which makes the perspective of local experts doubly valuable—both from a technical and a holistic approach. A second opinion may spot materials or practices not suited for the weather you can expect in your area.

A second opinion should be mature, professional, and grounded in best practices. With critical home infrastructure such as roofs, a little bit of care goes a long way in increasing the longevity of your repairs—not to mention the overall value of your home and level of elemental protection.

Our team has the eyes and the know-how to spot problems long before they arise. When you’re going all-in on a new project or taking a mindful approach to closing out a completed project, we’re happy to provide you with second opinions and solutions for even the most complex of problems. Contact us to get your report started, and both your approval and home sealed right.