
No Payne Blog

Why You Should Schedule a Roof Inspection Before Buying a Re-Roofed Home

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Over the years, No Payne Roofing has had many run-ins with home sellers that have had an unhealthy budget for residential roof repair or roof replacement. It’s important that homebuyers are cautious and before purchasing a home that’s recently been re-roofed or repaired, they should schedule an inspection to ensure the new roof has been installed correctly or the repairs have been completed according to building codes. 

Why Inspecting the Roof is Important

A home seller looking to make a quick sale may be tempted to take shortcuts while preparing the home for sale. That can mean having a friend, neighbour, or family member fix the home’s roof before placing it on the market so they can advertise the home with a new or recently repaired roof. Cheap alternatives to professional residential roof repair are a common issue among many home sellers. In these cases, often cheap materials are used and inexperienced installers are put to work.

To make matters worse, home inspectors aren’t always roofing experts, which means they aren’t qualified to discover if something is really wrong with the roof. In some cases, drones will be used to look at the roof instead of scheduling a roof inspection with a qualified roofer. Because of this, many people get away with installing low-quality roofs and selling their homes to unsuspecting buyers, leaving the cost of residential roof repair and replacement that comes sooner than later to the new homeowner. 

We asked Perri Scarcelli of Maxwell Capital Realty how often he sees homes listed on the market that had problems with their roof. Here’s what he had to say:

“One thing we have kind of seen in recent months due to a hotter market her in Calgary is people trying to offload properties that might have some issues because people are going in without inspections… Roofs are becoming more of a discussion point for sure, simply because some people might have taken cash pay-outs from the insurance and never replaced their roof, and there is value in replacing the roof. So when a buyer comes in and we find those issues, and it’s an older roof, it is a post that merits a discussion and maybe even a price correction. When we’re down on t he ground on the front lawn looking at a roof, we can’t really see it as well as we can when we are having a licensed and reliable contractor like No Payne Roofing literally up on the roof and looking at any deficiencies that might be there.”

The Risk of Selling a Home with a Faulty Roof

While installing a cheap roof on your home or selling it with undisclosed flaws in the roof may seem like a good way to sell your home quickly, it can end in home sellers getting sued. This can be a lengthy and costly event for the seller, and it creates a lose-lose situation for everybody involved. in most cases, the buyer can’t afford residential roof repair in Calgary because they thought they were purchasing a home with a new roof, and ultimately ended up being hit with a surprise expense. 

Replacing Your Roof Before Listing

If you’re planning to put your home on the market in the coming months, a simple roof inspection can ensure that you’re not selling the home with undisclosed defects. Trust the team at No Payne Roofing to provide you with a thorough inspection, as well as any necessary residential roof repairs, before you list 

Contact us today to schedule your roof inspection or repairs.