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Roof installation in calgary 768x512

Fastest Roof Installation Ever (And How They Did It)

October 5th, 2022


5 min read

Many hands make light work—and in this case, we might light speed. Sure, the timelapse does a lot of the heavy lifting. But that doesn’t take away from how impressive this job is from start to finish. Check it out! This blog details a...

Roofing quality 768x511

The High Cost of Low Priced Fixes – Why it’s best to go for quality over quantity regarding your roof

September 14th, 2022


5 min read

In today’s economy, when budgets are often tight, and dollars don’t stretch as far, you may be tempted to cut corners when it comes to your roofing project. It can be tempting to hire the cheapest help and purchase the lower-priced materials or settle for...

New roof for your home 768x508

4 Movies with Iconic Rooftop Scenes

August 11th, 2022


5 min read

Talk about a bird’s eye view! Directors love a good rooftop scene, especially when there’s an action sequence involved. The blood-pumping action with stunning views is always a winning combination. Have you ever thought about how often rooftops are featured in popular flicks? To highlight...

Skylight installation in calgary 768x512

Top 10 Skylights Worldwide

July 13th, 2022


6 min read

So you’re thinking about getting a skylight installed in your home, but you’re not sure if it’s the right investment? Just like getting your roof replaced or choosing new gutters, there are several considerations. Rooftop windows and skylights can be a fantastic upgrade to your...

New roof in calgary 768x502

How to have an Energy Efficient Roof: 3 tips

June 10th, 2022


5 min read

In today’s world, every green gesture counts. And that doesn’t end with your roofing needs! Good news, everyone! Energy-efficient roofing is becoming more accessible to the public and at more affordable costs than ever before; with small changes and improvements, you can increase your energy...

Roof venting in calgary 768x511

Our Roof is Venting! Tips on how to protect your roof’s vents

May 4th, 2022


5 min read

Let’s be real–your roof ventilation system probably isn’t something you think about very often. At least, not until it breaks… However, it actually plays an important role in the day-to-day life of your home. Having the right amount of ventilation in your attic can have...

Residential roof repair in calgary 768x508

Pros & Cons of DIY Roofing Fixes

April 12th, 2022


5 min read

When it comes to home improvement, some people prefer the DIY approach. And why not? It’s a great way to save some money and – for some people– it’s a fun hobby to boot. Who doesn’t love sanding furniture, re-grouting and putting up shelves? However,...

Roofing contractor in calgary 768x444

Why Not to Haggle a Tradesman

March 16th, 2022


5 min read

Imagine you’re about to pull into a mechanic for an oil change and someone wearing a dusty blue blazer beckons you to roll down your window before you pull in. “Ten bucks,” he says. He smells strongly of beef jerky. “Best ten dollars you’ll spend...

Gutter cleaning services in calgary 768x512

Life in the gutter – the worst that can happen if you neglect your gutters!

February 10th, 2022


5 min read

Has it been a while since you took a peek at your gutters? For most, the past couple of years have been busy ones, and many homeowners may have neglected their homes. Gutter cleaning is one area people have in particular been neglecting. If you...